Sexual Abuse and Soul Retrieval


Sexual abuse is still so prevalent in our broken society and the effects last far longer and go far deeper than we realize.


Last week I helped a client who was suffering from anxiety and a fear of small spaces. We had already completed a few sessions and her aura was restored, the final piece of the aura restoration puzzle was her heart frequency which was still below what it should be. That indicated to me that a soul retrieval was required.


I guided her through the process and was a little surprised when she started describing a scene from an Irish coal mine in the 1800’s.


As a 12 year old girl, her family’s extreme poverty had forced her into work. The only work available was in a coal mine, filled with men.


In this scene she knew she had been abused and that nothing could be done about it. We carried out some healing on the part of her soul that had been left there, but we couldn’t retrieve it until we healed another sexual abuse, this time one in her current life, around the age of 4.


We traveled through time and space again and found ourselves in another small space in her childhood home. Mirroring her past life experience this home had an old fashioned coal stove, and the abuse took place in a similarly small and confined space.


We carried out the healing process in what was an emotional and deeply moving experience allowing my client to process some of the old emotions, communicate with the other people involved on an astral level and then healing that part of her soul that had broken off that day.


Feeling better we traveled back in time once again. Happily we found the soul in the coal mine and ready to return.


There was some immediate relief, but also a certain amount of integration required that would take a few days.


I often have clients who are feeling emotions that they can’t explain, but underlying all that they do and influencing their thoughts and their actions. When we go back to heal the heart field, we find these past events, sometimes forgotten events from childhood, and sometimes forgotten events from past lives.


Healing these events can be like fixing the foundations of our life. With damaged foundations, our walls will always be crooked but with good and solid foundations we can build up to the sky.

 (Photo by Philipp Wüthrich on Unsplash )